In Their Shoes
A Group for Parents of Kids with ADHD
Parenting can be hard. Parenting a child with ADHD is even harder. The battles you have with your child leave you feeling tired, irritable, overwhelmed, and doubting yourself. This means ADHD has been taking over your energy, emotions, and patience AND you're worried about your child – in school, at home, and everywhere else. It all feels like a disaster and so many things are a struggle with your child. Not to mention, the reactions from other people in social situations can be judgemental. All of this means you’re are at a loss. You don't know what to do to support them; it's as clear as mud.
And here you are. You have come this far, so that tells me you haven’t been able to find anything that works, and it is likely that you have been on this journey to get unstuck for awhile. More importantly, I want you to know it is figuroutable - it is worth learning about what is going to make life better for you and your child. I am happy for you because I know the life-changing experience of finally getting the support and resources that you need and the impact it can have on your life!
You will have more...
Answers… Confidence… Calm…
Trust in your own abilities…
Enjoyable moments with your child…
You’re on the path to claiming all of that.
Get the essential, research-based information, tools, and strategies to stop the struggle and start effectively supporting your child, develop routines to help them feel confidence and gain independence, while teaching them skills for life, like problem solving, time management, and organization. Start parenting from a place of calm confidence with knowledge, resources, and tools to support yourself – no matter what the situation is.
This step-by-step group program led by me, a Certified ADHD Clinical ServicesProvider, will help you see your child differently, understand ADHD through another lens, and provide you with tools and strategies to help you navigate all the stuff that is currently dragging you down. Create peace of mind for yourself, get unstuck, and start putting things in place that will lead to positive changes for you your child, and the rest of the family.
Here is an idea of what’s included in this powerful group:
Uncover ADHD
You need to know what you’re up against and learn how to make it your friend. Understand the aspects of ADHD through the most current research-based information. You need to be able to make sense of what is happening with your child and how it affects you and the rest of the family. We will explore diagnosis, medication, sleep, nutrition, and other essential pieces of information about ADHD!
Calm the Conflict
Contrary to how you might be feeling, your kid is not giving you a hard time on purpose. They are having a hard time - A LOT OF THE TIME!
The more you focus on their behaviour, the more you will feel the need to control it. The essentials of communication will be shared, along with proactive problem solving tips. Conflict can be reduced and managed to help you step into those uncertain moments, feeling steady, and calm regardless of what is happening.
Create Confidence
Confidence cannot be bought; it must be won. Examine the role of ADHD in your child’s life and how it affects you so you can identify strategies to regulate yourself and parent with compassion. Increase your mastery of techniques to move you toward your ultimate goal of supporting your child and helping them feel good about themselves. Learn how to be their guide, teacher, cheerleader, nurturer, advocate, and accountability coach.
Unlock Transformation
Executive function skills are a major part of ADHD.
Unravel the symptoms and obstacles of ADHD so you can clearly see what gets in your child's way. You have to know these parts before you can effectively cultivate their empowerment through honest and timely feedback and behaviour systems.
Put systems and routines into place that will scaffold your child to develop skills they will need for independence in their adult life.
Spark Change
Change will happen from you first, as the parent which means you are the one that needs the information, tools, and strategies to spark the changes to last them a lifetime. Learn valuable how to foster school success and collaborate with teachers constructively.
Don't wait.
Early intervention gives kids with ADHD the best chance of accepting themselves and developing skills to lead them to a successful adulthood.
Here’s what you get:
A trained educator and therapist
That’s me! 19 years of experience and training backed by a heart and soul commitment to impact and transform the way you are living; to help you create positive change and level up your confidence.
The equivalent of 8 one-to-one counselling sessions
You read that right. For a seriously reduced price, you get access to support from a therapist without being on waitlist.
An inspiring group program, with content that will create a lasting impact on you
This group program is packed full of the most current research-based information on ADHD, plus strategies, and tools that will leave you equipped to parent the way you want – calm, consistent, and compassionate.
Access to Community
Our private group - a place to connect with others who are experiencing similar things as you, where you can share your true self, and learn from the experiences of others. Our group will be a place of community for you, and those who are facing similar challenges, to share thoughts, challenges, and wins with each other… a place to feel seen & heard, get support, and to reset during hard times!