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ADHD Therapy Kamloops | MindWise Counselling

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can bring so many challenges for individuals and their loved ones; ADHD makes daily life overwhelming, causes conflict in relationships, and affects feelings of happiness and wellbeing. The necessary resources and support are available to help those with ADHD to understand and manage it more effectively, and to also help their loved ones - parents, partners, or other family members.


In Kamloops, individuals and families can find specialized ADHD counselling services, from 1-1 or parent counselling to workshops, that aim to address the complexities and unique needs of those living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. MindWise Counselling is a trusted local provider with years of experience in supporting clients with ADHD, anxiety, trauma, and relationship challenges. By seeking help from someone on our team, you can have more understanding and insight into ADHD, develop strategies to navigate ADHD challenges , and learn to manage it with confidence and self compassion. 


As you embark on this journey of discovery and growth, remember that you are not alone. If you're a parent seeking support for your child, an adult looking for guidance, or if you have a loved one with ADHD, we are here for you. Research shows counselling & psychoeducation make a big difference to managing ADHD effectively.

The Different Types Of ADHD

ADHD comes in different types, each with its own unique set of challenges and symptoms. Understanding these types can help in managing and treating ADHD more effectively.


People with combined ADHD exhibit both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms. They struggle with paying attention, staying organised, and following instructions while also experiencing restlessness, impulsiveness, and difficulty sitting still. This combination makes daily tasks and responsibilities especially challenging.

ADHD, Impulsive/Hyperactive

Individuals with this type of ADHD primarily exhibit hyperactive and impulsive behaviours. They might fidget constantly, have trouble sitting still, and act without thinking. This can lead to difficulties in school, work, and social situations, as their impulsiveness often results in interrupting others, making hasty decisions, and struggling to wait their turn.

Inattentive and Disruptive

Also known as ADHD, Inattentive Type, people with this type have significant issues with attention and focus but do not exhibit hyperactive behaviours. They may seem disorganised, easily distracted, and forgetful, often losing track of tasks and conversations. This type is sometimes harder to diagnose because the symptoms are less overtly disruptive but can still significantly impact daily life and academic or work performance.

Types of Therapy for ADHD

Finding the right therapy for ADHD can make a big difference in managing symptoms and improving overall well-being. Here are some different types of therapies and what they’re good for:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) 

CBT helps you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours. For ADHD, it focuses on improving organisation, time management, and coping strategies. It’s great for reducing impulsivity and enhancing focus.

ADHD Therapy for Kids

General counselling offers a safe space to discuss life challenges and receive emotional support. It’s useful for feeling heard, building self-esteem, managing stress, and developing coping strategies to handle daily difficulties.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT combines cognitive-behavioural techniques with mindfulness practice to create self-awareness, foster understanding of how to regulate emotions, improve relationships, and improve your ability to tolerate distress.

ADHD Coaching

ADHD coaches work with you to set goals, develop organizational skills, and create strategies to manage symptoms. It’s practical and focused on achieving specific objectives, ideal for those needing hands-on guidance and accountability.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

MBCT blends mindfulness with cognitive therapy. It helps you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, leading to better self-regulation and less stress. It’s especially good for improving attention and emotional control.

Group Workshops

Group workshops provide a supportive environment where you can share your experiences and learn from others. It helps reduce feelings of isolation, offers opportunities to share experiences, and learn essential information.


Get Help With Your ADHD From MindWise Counselling

MindWise can help you manage ADHD with personalized therapy and expert support. Schedule a session today

to start your journey towards understanding and managing ADHD from a place of confidence and overall well-being.



ADHD Statistics Canada

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects the lives of many Canadians, affecting approximately 4-6% of adults and 5-7% of children. This means that around 1.8 million people in Canada live with ADHD, equating to about one in every 21 individuals in the country.


ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in Canada, impacting a person's ability to execute daily responsibilities. It manifests in different forms and presents various challenges throughout stages of life.



MindWise Counselling Works With Youth & Adults With ADHD

MindWise recognizes the distinctive challenges individuals face at various life stages and utilizes this understanding to help clients develop personalized strategies for managing their symptoms. While the core symptoms of ADHD are similar for children and adults, their manifestation varies due to age-related responsibilities and environments. For instance, a child with ADHD might struggle with time management, organization, completing homework or sitting still in class, whereas an adult might have difficulties with time management, organization, or maintaining focus in the workplace. 

Therapists at MindWise follow a consistent approach in treating ADHD to ensure that every individual, regardless of age, receives the necessary support to understand ADHD and learn to thrive. With MindAware 360*, we educate and help you deconstruct ADHD, so you can implement new understanding and strategies to start creating positive changes despite the obstacles of ADHD. We may include behavioural interventions (routines), skill-building techniques, or tools to build stronger executive function skills. Our work with you is tailored to meet YOUR unique needs and circumstances. 

Mindwise Counselling offers specialized support for individuals with ADHD, providing multiple therapy options. If you or someone you know is dealing with ADHD, Contact Our Team To Schedule A Therapy Session Today!


ADHD Counselling Kamloops: Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you diagnose ADHD?
    We are unable to diagnose ADHD at our centre. A comprehensive ADHD diagnosis done by a physician, psychologist, or psychiatrist should involve a lengthy discussion of current difficulties you are facing, past challenges and childhood experiences, and life events or situations that may be occurring. Questionnaires or assessments would also be part of the diagnosis. Feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists who are trained in ADHD. They can help you understand what to expect for a diagnostic assessment, explain what forms you may be asked to complete, and answer any of your questions to the best of their ability.
  • Are you born with ADHD?
    ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition that can present in childhood and continue into adulthood. Sometimes ADHD is not evident until adulthood. While the exact cause of ADHD is not fully understood, it is generally believed that genetics play a significant role. This means that yes, individuals can be born with a predisposition to ADHD, which is influenced by various genetic and environmental factors. At MindWise Counselling, we specialize in providing tailored support for individuals with ADHD. Our team of skilled therapists offers both in-person and virtual therapy options in Kamloops, and across British Columbia. We are committed to helping adults, teens, couples, and kids manage ADHD symptoms more effectively and to create more ease in daily life. Our approach includes a combination of evidence-based techniques & strategies designed to improve executive function and overall quality of life. Whether you have ADHD or your loved one does, understanding ADHD and getting practical strategies to manage its challenges is possible. MindWise Counselling is here to support you every step of the way. Reach out today.
  • At what age does ADHD peak?
    ADHD symptoms can peak on and off throughout one's lifetime, usually when life levels up and we face increased responsibility or a change in environment (ie. going from high school to a full time job or post-secondary program). During school years, typically when children face increased demands and expectations for attention and self-regulation, symptoms of ADHD will emerge. For some, symptoms become more evident when the consistency and routine provided by high school comes to an end. The responsibilities and expectations common to this age and the life transition starts to highlight difficulties with executive function. Some professionals refer to this as, "Failure to launch". Sometimes individuals consistently experience difficult times into adulthood but were unaware of ADHD running in the background. They unknowingly learned to use coping tools that reduced the impact of ADHD. Often when one of their children get diagnosed, these adults begin to notice symptoms of ADHD in themselves.
  • What are the worst ADHD symptoms?
    There is no straight forward answer to this. The severity of ADHD symptoms can differ from person to person, and there are many reasons for this. Some of the most talked about symptoms are challenges with procrastination, impulsivity, directing attention (when uninterested), and emotionality - all of which impact relationships and self confidence.
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