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Win At Life: Prioritize and Delegate

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

a trophy of a person running and other trophies in the background.

Disclaimer: The content of this blog post is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized support.

In today's busy world, prioritizing and delegating tasks are critical skills for managing your time, responsibilities, and stress levels. With so many commitments competing for your attention, these skills can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed and feeling in control. I know these things sound like common sense, but most of us lead lives from a To-Do list, trying to check the list off as fast as we can only to ignore HOW we are getting the things done and the cost to our personal self. We are pulled in all sorts of directions: requests from family, friends and co-workers who need something from us mentally, emotionally, or physically. Prioritizing and delegating may seem like simple concepts, but using them takes discipline. If you don't prioritize what needs to be done first, you'll struggle to get anything done at all. Delegation means getting assistance from others so that you can do your best. Then, you win. Enjoying your life is the ultimate prize.

The Importance of Prioritizing

In today's busy world, effective prioritization is a critical skill for managing your time, responsibilities, and stress levels. With so many commitments competing for your attention, prioritizing your tasks thoughtfully can make the difference between feeling overwhelmed and feeling in control. There are significant reasons why learning to prioritize effectively should be a priority in itself.

Firstly, failing to prioritize inevitably leads to exhaustion, discontentment, or worry. Without properly ranking your tasks, you end up jumping between activities randomly based on whichever feels most urgent. This reactive approach is an inefficient use of time and causes important but non-urgent goals to fall by the wayside. Proper prioritization ensures your time is spent focused on tasks or responsibilities that truly matter most. You will feel settled and organized, leading you to feel in control of what is on your plate.

Secondly, trying to tackle everything at once is a recipe for quick burnout. Juggling conflicting deadlines, commitments, appointments, or demands results in constant stress as you scramble to get things done. By thoughtfully prioritizing and pacing yourself, you avoid overload and remain focused. This prevents worried thoughts from spiralling and gives you the peace of mind to focus, initiate, and complete.

Finally, prioritization brings structure to your days and weeks. Knowing what needs your immediate attention instills a sense of purpose and control. You have clarity on what to work on and when. This organized approach reduces stress, boosts motivation, and sets you up to achieve short and long-term goals.

In summary, failing to prioritize undermines effectiveness and breeds dissatisfaction. But by taking the time to rank your responsibilities thoughtfully, you gain the structure, productivity, and calm needed to excel. Making prioritization a consistent habit is an essential step for mastering your time and tasks.

How to Prioritize Your Tasks

Prioritizing your tasks effectively is crucial for productivity and reducing stress. Start by categorizing each of your tasks based on urgency and importance using the Eisenhower Matrix.

matrix with boxes, using important and urgent descriptors to help you identify which task needs to be done now.


Tasks with impending deadlines that have serious consequences if missed. These should be your top priority.

**Important/Not Urgent**:

Tasks aligned with your goals and values but without a firm deadline. Schedule time for these as well.

**Urgent/Not Important**:

Tasks demanded by others but not central to your goals. See if you can delegate these.

**Not Important/Not Urgent**:

Tasks with little value that you should minimize or eliminate.

Once you've categorized your tasks, focus first on the urgent/important quadrant. Make a schedule and timeline for completing these critical tasks. Schedule your important but not urgent tasks next. Try to do these in time blocks without firm deadlines.

Using your calendar to schedule priorities is key. Block out time for your most important tasks when you know you'll have the time and energy to focus. Scheduling gives you clarity on what you can realistically accomplish each day and week.

Review your priorities frequently and re-categorize as new urgent tasks come up. Stay focused on important goals versus getting caught up in daily urgencies. Proper prioritization leads to greater productivity and less stress.

The Art of Delegating

Delegation is a critical skill for managing your time and priorities effectively - whether it's the workplace or home. By handing off appropriate tasks to others, you free yourself up to focus on your most important responsibilities. However, delegation requires some strategy, letting go of control, and finesse. When done right, it can build capacity in others, create connection and teamwork, and reduce stress for everyone. The key is to determine which tasks can be delegated. These are typically responsibilities that others have the skills and availability to complete, but don't require your direct oversight. ***When creating capacity in your team (or family members) who may not have the skill yet, scaffolding works well: First, I do it, you watch and observe. Second, we do the task together. Third, you do it, I watch and observe. In other words, you may have to show them first, then offer support as both of you do it together, and then have them try the task on their own.

Once you've identified delegable tasks, match them to others' strengths and availability. Get creative in making the best use of existing skills or strategizing skill development. Provide clear expectations and deadlines for any delegated tasks. Specify exactly what you need done and when you need it completed. Poor communication is a common source of frustration with delegation. Be sure to explain the desired format, quality, and timeline upfront. Examples are always useful. So the best time to communicate expectations is when scaffolding or reviewing the task with the person. Then comes a critical part: Avoid micromanaging once you’ve delegated a task. Checking in occasionally is fine, but let go of control and let them do the job. If you delegate correctly, you should be able to trust your team, or family member, to handle it. Jumping in too frequently undermines the point of delegating, creates dependency, and wastes more of your time.

It Comes Down to You

Learning to prioritize and delegate is all about striking a balance between what you have to do and what you want to do. By using a system or routine to prioritizethe items on your To-Do list, you'll be able to focus on those that are most important. Delegating tasks to others, whether it's a family member or a coworker, can leave you free to concentrate fully on your top priorities. These are key strategies for managing your time and staying stress-free. Ultimately, prioritizing and delegating can help make sure that you get the most satisfaction from life. Yes, life is busy, but that doesn't have to equate to stress and exhaustion. If you take the time to prioritize your tasks and delegate those tasks that will build capacity on others—you'll be much more likely to find you are a winner in your own life.

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